NIS2 GAP analysis and support


Requirements for NIS2? We support you in working towards compliance!

Is your organization prepared for all the challenges of the regulation? With the requirements of NIS2, many businesses face increased complexity and a greater need to ensure full compliance. We help you identify what your organization needs to put in place and guide you if you need it.

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Two services

The introduction of NIS2 places new demands on organizations’ ability to ensure information security in their work with critical and digital services. We offer two solutions to help your organization navigate through these requirements and ensure compliance with the NIS2 Regulation.

NIS2 GAP analysis

The NIS2 GAP analysis is a thorough assessment of the organization’s current compliance with NIS2 requirements. Through a thorough review, we identify any shortcomings and gaps and recommend actions to achieve full compliance. If necessary, an assessment of the applicability of the NIS2 Regulation to the organization is also carried out. The aim is to give you a clear picture of your organization’s NIS2 compliance and an action plan to address any shortcomings.

NIS2 implementation

We use the GAP analysis to map and identify any gaps in your organization’s compliance with NIS2 requirements. We then actively support your organization throughout the implementation process to ensure that the necessary actions are taken. Our common goal is to work hand in hand with your organization to achieve full compliance with NIS2 requirements. Through collaboration and commitment, we strive to create a robust and secure digital environment that meets the expected requirements of the NIS2 Regulation.

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The process

How we conduct the GAP analysis

Our GAP analysis is a central part of our process to support your organization towards compliance with NIS2 requirements. As a rule, this is always the starting point for every NIS2 project. This is what our process looks like.

Start-up meeting

We have an initial conversation about scope, objectives, methodology, timeline and expectations.


We review your existing documentation such as policies, processes and other relevant documents for NIS2 compliance.

NIS2 workshop

The company’s key people in different areas are interviewed to gather information that is not documented and to gain further understanding from the documentation.


We carry out a GAP analysis based on the information collected. The analysis assesses the level of compliance with the different elements of the NIS2 Regulation. At the end, we produce a report consisting of recommended actions to achieve compliance with the Regulation.

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