Data Protection Advisor


Not obvious what you need to do to be GDPR compliant

Through our advisory service, we can help your organization navigate the complex world of data protection and privacy. We understand that privacy issues are important and help build and maintain the trust of your customers and other stakeholders.

We also understand that it is not always clear what you need to do to be compliant with the GDPR. Our advisory service gives you access to a dedicated privacy consultant to help you develop your data protection efforts and maintain and ensure compliance with the provisions of the GDPR.

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Our approach

Parts of the service

Privacy overview and risk assessment

Our consultant conducts a thorough analysis of your organization and its data protection practices. We identify potential risks and vulnerabilities to develop a tailored plan to minimize these risks and ensure compliance with applicable privacy laws.

Policy development and implementation

We support you in designing and implementing privacy policies and guidelines that last. By adapting these documents to your specific business and industry, we ensure that your organization has the necessary frameworks in place to protect personal data and maintain a high level of privacy.

Compliance and monitoring

We work closely with your organization to ensure that you meet the requirements of relevant laws and regulations. Our consultant supports you in conducting internal audits and monitors changes in legislation to ensure continuous compliance.

More about the service

The difference between Data Protection Officer and Data Protection Advice

A Data Protection Officer is a role defined in the GDPR. In other words, there is a set of defined tasks in the legislation on which a DPO works. Our advice is freer, allowing the advisor to focus on what is important to the organization, as well as working more operationally and managing different parts.

Benefits of choosing Secify

Expert advice

Access to experienced privacy consultants with broad knowledge of data protection regulations


We understand that every organization is unique, and our services and advisors adapt to you and your business-specific needs.

No nonsense

One of Secify’s pillars is to focus on what is most important, the ‘must haves’, and to communicate it in a simple and understandable way. “No nonsense, plain and simple.

Compliance monitoring

We monitor the data protection space and are always up to date with the latest data protection regulations, ensuring you are compliance-proof.

Contact Us

Do you want to know more about our service and solutions? Contact us and we will assist you.

Några av våra kunder


En av våra mest populära och omtyckta tjänster är DPO-tjänsten (data protection officer) också kallat externt dataskyddsombud. Då anlitar ni en konsult hos oss som arbetar med dataskydd ett förbestämt antal timmar hos er varje månad.

Konsekvensbedömning (DPIA/TIA)

En konsekvensbedömning görs när en behandling av personuppgifter sannolikt medför en hög risk för individernas rättigheter och friheter. Våra rådgivare kan hjälpa dig att utföra denna bedömning, samt hitta lösningar som minimerar riskerna i behandlingen.


Vi analyserar ert befintliga dataskyddsarbete för att kontrollera nivån av efterlevnad.

DPO as a Service

Vi förser er med en oberoende specialist, som agerar både granskare och rådgivare för ert dataskyddsarbete, och säkerställer att er verksamhet följer GDPR.


Vi förser er med en dataskyddsspecialist med ett pragmatiskt synsätt, samt de verktyg som behövs för driva på och understödja ert operativa arbete med dataskydd.

GDPR ramverk

Vi understödjer och tar fram ett verksamhetsanpassat ramverk för att etablera alternativt förnya er dataskyddsorganisation.


Vi genomför kunskapshöjande utbildningar både för ledning och personal inom både grundläggande och mer avancerade områden kopplat till dataskydd


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Get in touch!

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