Cybersecurity audit


Reducing the risk of cyberattacks

The purpose of a cybersecurity audit may differ between organizations and in different situations.
In general, the objectives of an audit often relate to the identification of vulnerabilities and risks, training for employees, generally working to raise the level of security, or meeting requirements (regulatory requirements, customer requirements, etc).

In summary, the purpose of a cybersecurity audit is to reduce the risk of cyber-attacks, improve the organization’s ability to deal with digital threats, and protect its assets, information and reputation from harm.

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The service

Our review

Our audit is tailored to the client’s needs, but may include the steps and methods below:

Open Source Intelligence Gathering (OSINT)

An OSINT aims to collect and analyze all digitally available information about the organization found on Clear, Deep and Darkweb. This includes tracking trends, finding patterns, identifying sensitive information that is available, and finding vulnerabilities in companies and on specific key individuals that could lead to harm.

Workshop with management team, security team or similar

During a workshop, known examples are discussed. known problems or the results of OSINT, to provide an insight into what it means and may have implications for the organization. Suggested solutions and general improvements are also discussed.

Document review

We review relevant documents that address cybersecurity in the organization, e.g. (but not exclusively) Incident reports, policies, pentest reports, system documentation or description of infrastructure and applications, documentation on auditing and maintaining third party risks

Interviews with key internal and external resources

Interviews to obtain an oral description of identified risks or information that could not be deduced from the submitted documentation

Technical analysis of systems and infrastructure sets

Review of the technical set-up, configuration and relationships of the systems or infrastructure with other systems or infrastructure

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